The preliminary investigation into yesterday's 3-alarm fire at a home under construction on Central Avenue show it was likely ca…

by | Apr 25, 2024 | Newton City Hall Mayor | 0 comments

The preliminary investigation into yesterday’s 3-alarm fire at a home under construction on Central Avenue show it was likely caused by a pile of oily rags.
Thank you to the Newton Fire Department for responding quickly and working for hours to extinguish the fire. Thankfully there were no injuries.

The three-alarm fire that the #NewtonMA Fire Department battled for hours yesterday was most likely caused by the combustion of #OilyRags used for staining. The oils in some paints, stains, and varnishes release heat as they dry, and this can ignite a pile of rags in a pile or the trash. Dry these rags individually outdoors and dispose of them properly:


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