Five things to do in Newton this weekend

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Newton Beacon | 0 comments

There’s some rain in the weekend forecast, especially on Friday and Sunda, but at least it’s not another nor’easter. And there’s plenty to do in Newton to pass the time waiting for Marathon Monday and the warm, sunny day (high near 70 degrees!) it’s promising.

And since the kids missed February break, they may want to get a jump start on this April vacation. There’s lots of fun for them too.

Here are five things to do in Newton this weekend:

Friday, April 12

Saturday, April 13

Sunday, April 14

  • From 2 to 4 p.m., singer/songwriter Scott Ainslie will perform a concert at Newton Country Club. Ainslie, who learned southern old-time ballads, banjo and fiddle from senior musicians in North Carolina and West Virginia and blues from his black elders in North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Mississippi, uses voice and instruments to tell stories and connect to America’s musical roots.
  • From 3 to 4:30 p.m., The Newton Conservators and naturalist Jon Regosin will host a free Vernal Pool BioBlitz at Nahanton Park. Vernal pools are small wetlands that are important habitats for a great diversity of amphibians, aquatic insects and other invertebrates. The BioBlitz event will explore a vernal pool in Nahanton Park and document findings using the free iNaturalist app.
  • From 3 to 5 p.m., Cherry Street Music will present “Beethoven & the Beatles: Part II,” a classical music concert with a twist, at the Allen Center. This performance explores the connection between the Beatles and the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven and features cellist Allison Eldredge, pianist Max Levinson, guitarist Andres Guerra and vocalist Donna McElroy.

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