Letter to the Editor: Newton needs help healing

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Newton Beacon | 0 comments

This is a tailored version of a letter sent to the Mayor and City Council. There is no question that what Newton experienced with the teacher’s strike was a challenging, tumultuous, even potentially traumatizing event. People are referencing the word “healing” for the community dynamic, of which I heartily support.

One of the philosophical underpinnings of my mediation, coaching, and training work, is that of turning challenge into opportunities. Due to circumstances beyond my control, life has given me massive experiences to develop such an approach. Indeed, I am just working on a video now of such a topic, emphasizing the practical, emotional, and spiritual bases of how one turns challenge into opportunity. There are enormous resources in Newton, and by taking a step back, I believe the community can realign to better methods and increased understanding. I underscore, these methods are sustainable, and bring out peoples’ strengths. 

Finally, one of the dreams I have is to establish a conflict resolution center. A place that would have a light and a beam that would draw people to it. Vitally to emphasize positive interactions in our most challenging times, where interdependence is needed! 

Jon Myers


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