Humphrey running for state representative

by | Feb 14, 2024 | Newton Beacon | 0 comments

With one of Newton’s state legislators retiring, one of Newton’s city councilors is going for that job.

Newton City Councilor Bill Humphrey is running for the 12th Middlesex state representative seat—which covers southern Newton and southern Brookline—held by retiring Rep.  Ruth Balser, who is retiring after this term. Balser has held the seat since 1999.

“An open seat in the Legislature is always a wonderful opportunity to take stock and look at the progress we have made, and then to turn our eyes to the future to think about what we can do better to make Massachusetts a Commonwealth for everyone,” Humphrey wrote in an announcement to the public on Tuesday.

Humphrey has served as Ward 5 city councilor in Newton since January 2020, and he said that job has been the “most rewarding” of his career.

“Yet at every turn, we find ourselves confronted with problems that require solutions beyond the level of local government. These include things like housing, healthcare, and the climate crisis, among many others,” he continued. “I’ve learned a great deal about how to navigate a legislative body, what leadership and teamwork should look like, and how our government really interacts with residents in their everyday lives.”

In his announcement, Humphrey laid out a platform of issues ranging from housing and gun control to publicly funded childcare and labor rights.

“I can’t wait to hear you share with me your ideas, your hopes, and your struggles, as I go door-to-door between now and the September 3rd Democratic primary,” he wrote.

The post Humphrey running for state representative appeared first on Newton Beacon.


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