Five things to do in Newton this weekend

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Newton Beacon | 0 comments

The groundhog lied, and winter stuck around. But the sun will be out all weekend, making things bearable.

Newton has a plethora of events and activities all weekend. And the kids have been in school instead of their planned February vacation, so they may want to break free.

Here are five things to do in Newton this weekend.

Friday, Feb. 23

At 7:30 p.m., Sullivan Rep will present “Steel Pier” at the Nonantum American Legion Post 440, 295 California St. The play is set in 1933 and follows Rita Racine as she competes in a dance marathon in Atlantic City.

Saturday, Feb. 24

At 2 p.m., the Tanglewood Marionettes will present “Cinderella,” a puppet show at City Hall.

At 7:30 p.m., Grace Church in Newton Corner will host the New Phil and baritone soloist Phil Limafor the second concert in the Classics series of the year, titled “Equality & Triumph.”

Sunday, Feb. 25

At 11 a.m., Newton Community Pride, partnering with Story Starters and The Street Chestnut Hill, will host story time and discussion with children’s book authors Kaija Langley, the author of the award-winning Picture Book When Langston Dances, and Janet Costa Bates, the author of titles such as Time for Bed, Old House, Rica Babtista Llamas, Iguanas, and My Very Best Friend, and Seaside Dreams.

At 3 p.m., All Newton Music School will host renowned pianist Victor Rosenbaum for a concert featuring music of Schubert, Brahms, and Chopin and a 2022 composition by Lewis Warren Jr.

Have an event to promote or looking for something do in Newton? Check out our Events Page.

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