Newton on track for first snowstorm of season

by | Jan 5, 2024 | Newton Beacon | 0 comments

Winter has been here officially for two weeks. And now it looks like the weather just got the memo.

Newton, along with the rest of New England, is bracing for a winter storm expected to arrive Saturday and deliver several inches of rain Saturday and Sunday, according to the National Weather Service.

Snow is expected to be wet and heavy, making is hazardous for both driving and for shoveling. And winds could be as strong as 40 miles per hour. So we may see some power outages.

Before the storm drifts away Sunday night, the NWS estimates that it could drop between six inches and a foot of snow on us, depending on the precise track the storm takes.

But in the words of the late, great infomercial salesman Billy Mays, “But wait, there’s more.”

Monday is expected to be quiet and clear, but on Tuesday night into Wednesday, more precipitation will be here. With temperatures forecast for the mid-30s Tuesday, that could mean either snow or rain, or a mix.

One thing is certain. Newton is about to have a messy week.

The post Newton on track for first snowstorm of season appeared first on Newton Beacon.


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