City Council President-elect Marc Laredo and Vice President-elect David Kalis have picked which councilors will be on which committees for the next two years.
“We are grateful for the time that each of you has spent with us and with your colleagues in your ward as we have considered the make-up of our seven standing Committees and who should serve as their chairs and vice chairs,” the two wrote in a joint announcement to the rest of the City Council.
Laredo was elected president two weeks ago after multiple tie votes had created a temporary stalemate. Kalis, the one who broke that stalemate, was elected vice president.
In his speech that night to the caucus, Laredo promised to pick committee leadership fairly and regardless of who each member had picked as Council president.
“Working closely together, we believe that we have chosen the best person for each role—understanding that in many instances this meant making difficult choices among well-qualified colleagues,” the announcement reads. “In doing so, we paid careful attention to making sure that leadership roles are distributed fairly and Committees represent a diversity of views.”
So here are the committee membership lineups starting Jan. 1:
Zoning and Planning Committee
- Chair: Lisle Baker
- Vice chair: John Oliver
- Susan Albright
- Pam Wright
- Rena Getz
- Vicki Danberg
- David Kalis
Finance Committee
- Chair: Leonard Gentile
- Vice chair: Julia Malakie
- Maria Greenberg
- David Micley
- Bill Humphrey
- Martha Bixby
- Rebecca Grossman
- Richard Lipof
Land Use Committee
- Chair: Andrea Kelley
- Vice chair: Tarik Lucas
- Alison Leary
- Randy Block
- Andreae Downs
- Alan Lobovits
- Marc Laredo
- Stephen Farrell
Public Facilities
- Chair: Susan Albright
- Vice Chair: Alison Leary
- Andrea Kelley
- Leonard Gentile
- Rena Getz
- Vicki Danberg
- Marc Laredo
- David Kalis
Public Safety and Transportation
- Chair: Rebecca Grossman
- Vice Chair: Andreae Downs
- Maria Greenberg
- Tarik Lucas
- Pam Wright
- Randy Block
- Martha Bixby
- Richard Lipof
Programs and Services
- Chair: Joshua Krintzman
- Vice Chair: Bill Humphrey
- John Oliver
- David Micley
- Julia Malakie
- Alan Lobovitz
- Lisle Baker
- Stephen Farrell
Real Property Reuse Committee
- Chair: Vicki Danberg
- Vice Chair: Tarik Lucas
- John Oliver
- Julia Malakie
- Leonard Gentile
- Rena Getz
- Marc Laredo
- Richard Lipof
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