If you are a gingerbread house maker (or want to be one), now’s your chance to show off your skills and creativity. We are hosting a gingerbread house exhibit and contest in our Newton Centre office. Bakers/builders can enter the contest as a youth (under age 15), adult (15 and up), or team (family, friends, co-workers, etc.). A panel of esteemed judges including Mayor Ruthanne Fuller; Parks, Recreation & Culture Commissioner Nicole Banks; and Public Buildings Commissioner Josh Morse will select winners in each entry category. Exhibit visitors will vote to select winners in “people’s choice” categories Most Whimsical, Best Use of Materials, and Best Architectural Design.
Registration Opens TODAY Monday, October 30th with a $10 fee.
The general timeline is below with more details on our webpage: www.newtonma.gov/culture
October 30: Registration Opens
November 17: Registration Closes
December 4-14: Exhibit open for public viewing and voting #gingerbreadhouse #publicart #newtonpublicbuildings #ediblehouse
Register online at https://newtonma.myrec.com/info/default.aspx
If you are a gingerbread house maker (or want to be one), now's your chance to show off your skills and creativity. We are hosti…