Five Things to Do in Newton This Weekend

by | Nov 16, 2023 | Newton Beacon | 0 comments

Newton is being treated to a heatwave of sorts, with temperatures reaching into the 60s and mostly clear skies in the forecast.

It’s a great weekend to get out and enjoy the city before the Thanksgiving stress. And this weekend seems to have a theme of music, which is soothing for the soul as the days get shorter this time of year.

Here are five things to do in Newton this weekend:

Friday, Nov. 17

  • From 10:30 to 11 a.m., the Newton Free Library will have “My First Storytime,” featuring songs and stories for children ages newborn to 23 months and their caregivers.

Saturday, Nov. 18

  • A broken clock may be right twice a day, but a fixed clock is right all the time. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Newton Free Library is hosting a Fix-It Clinic. Residents are invited to bring broken household items, and repair coaches will be there to help fix those items or advise on where to bring them.
  • At 8 p.m. at the First Unitarian Society in Newton (and again Sunday at 3 p.m. at Emmanuel Church in Boston), Capella Clausura will present “Das Jahr,” a concert featuring pianist Lois Shapiro. “Das Jahr,” which means “the year” in German, is a romantic solo piano piece written by Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel that celebrates each month of the year with vocal quartets by Mendelssohn Hensel and Clara Schumann.

Sunday, Nov. 19

  • At 3 p.m., Cherry Street Music will present a concert, “A Roland Hayes Tribute,” at The Allen Center honoring the legendary solo artist who was also the first African American man to win international concert fame. Hayes was a a tenor who made his debut with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1923 and was the first Black performer to appear with the BSO. Tickets are $30 for adults and $10 for students, available here:
  • At 5 p.m., the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Newton will hold a Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil, for people of all faiths and identities, to honor the memory of people around the world who have been killed for their transgender identity. There will be a litany of the names of those who were lost, along with music, prayers and a candlelight vigil.

Have an event you want to promote, or looking for an event to attend? Check out our Newton Events calendar page.

The post Five Things to Do in Newton This Weekend appeared first on Newton Beacon.


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