‘Saturday Night at the Races’ to bring candidates and voters together, speed-dating-style

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Newton Beacon | 0 comments

Newton’s municipal election is just around the corner—next Tuesday, Nov. 7, to be exact—and there’s a chance this weekend for voters to get to know the candidates and have a little fun.

The Newton Beacon is co-sponsoring a “candi-dating” event hosted by the League of Women Voters, “Saturday Night at the Races” on Nov. 4 from 3 to 5:30 p.m. in the Newton North High School cafeteria.

What does “candi-dating” mean? Don’t worry—It’s nothing dirty or scandalous. It’s just a fun way to hear from candidates that’s more like a speed-dating singles gathering than a political debate.

  • Candidates for City Council and School Committee will be there (although to be clear, only a handful of City Council seats no School Committee seats are contested this election) sitting at tables organized by ward.
  • Voters will have 12 minutes at each table to ask candidates their questions, with 10 rounds in total.
  • Moderators will be on hand to keep the conversations moving.

“Saturday Night at the Races” is organized by the League of Women Voters and the Newton North High School Center for Civic Engagement and Service.

For more information on the event, visit https://lwvnewton.org/event/saturday-night-at-the-races-2023/.

The post ‘Saturday Night at the Races’ to bring candidates and voters together, speed-dating-style appeared first on Newton Beacon.


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