A chamber dream coming true – members working with one another! A great collaboration.
You know when you meet someone at a professional event and you hit it off right away?
That’s what happened at a Charles River Regional Chamber event when I had the pleasure of meeting Maria Duffy, Director of Development at REACH Beyond Domestic Violence.
As soon as I heard her career story, I knew I wanted to share it to help inspire others to pursue pivots to mission-driven work that motivates them.
I appreciate that Maria met up with me a few weeks later at The Village Works to share her career story for the CareerCycles show The Career Buzz Show on CIUT 89.5 FM. See comments for a link.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Spread the word about the important work by orgs like REACH.
#DomesticViolenceAwareness #DVAM #careerjourney #missiondriven #nonprofitdevelopment